1. Reduce or eliminate caffeine. The ups and downs of caffeine include dehydration and blood sugar swings, and may cause sugar cravings.
2. Stay hydrated. Sometimes sweet cravings are a sign of dehydration. Before you go for the sugar, have a glass of water and wait a few minutes.
3. Eat naturally-sweet vegetables and fruit to crowd out your sugar cravings.
Avoid chemicalized, arti cial sweeteners and foods with added sugar. Use gentle sweeteners like maple syrup, brown rice syrup, dried fruit, stevia, and barley malt.
4. Get physically active. Start with simple activities like walking and yoga. Start with 10 minutes a day and gradually increase. Being active helps balance blood sugar levels, boost energy, and reduce tension, decreasing the likelihood that you’ll want to self-medicate with sugar.
5. Get more sleep, rest, and relaxation. Simple carbohydrates, such as sugar, are the most readily-available source of energy for an exhausted body and mind. If you’re in a state of chronic stress and/or sleep deprivation, your body will crave the quickest form of energy available – sugar.
6. Eliminate fat-free or low-fat packaged snack foods. These foods contain high quantities of sugar to compensate for lack of avor and fat, which will send you on a roller coaster ride of sugar highs and lows.
7. Experiment with spices. Coriander, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, and cardamom will naturally sweeten your food and reduce cravings.
8. Slow down and find sweetness in non-food ways! What emotions are you eating away?Cravings almost always have a psychological component. By identifying the underlying causes of food cravings and making lifestyle adjustments accordingly, you can find balance and take charge of your health. When life itself becomes sweet, excess sugar isn’t needed!
Contact me for assistance:
If these tips don’t prove to be successful, or if you’d like more assistance in making them a part of your everyday lifestyle, don’t hesitate to contact me today. We’ll set you up with a consultation to discuss how I can help you achieve your health and wellness goals!